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Barbie’s dreamhouse!

3 months ago

Yea its the one from the movie
For alicia gu’s challenge
Hope u like! I spent like 2hrs on this lol
Wait did yall watch the movie?
If so wha

nasserBike71 yuk eeeeewwwwwww
Cozyathome Looks like it!
SST11Pers2738350 ilov mam
SloanePurple So realistic, good job it really slays
SloanePurple So realistic, good job it really slays
Lyla Hansen It's awsome!
sienna986 Pls make it cheeper:)
sienna986 So cool but to expensive….
KaidanN iguhryupijgkn
Sudiksha.J It’s amazing!
taraj slay girly
JessetheWitch Wow :0
Peachesjarrettcute I wanna live there
SST11Pers1649465 مره حلو
3051090 OMG! that is so preppy!!!!!!!!!
kinleyMagic wow that so amazing and time consuming you must be really talented
SST11Pers2175139 plssssssssss freeeeeeee UwU
ZeldaStrong I like it
Boundless1191 THIS IS AMAZING!
JULIETTEBike It’s giving me Barbie preppy vibes
SST11Pers2156922 how did you make it
Lilly3DGirl146 so similar
skye-stema wow! i really wish i would maked that! i love pink!OMG!!!!!!!
amaliek Awsome
jobur Take the price dow pn and i will buy mabey like 10 tokens :)
ForeverLuna310 How did you do that? Teach me your ways
esmee111 How did you made that avatar?
SST11Pers2051657 wow omg its giving barbie
audr.hetz that's so so so so so so so so so cool!
ArianaGrey4 That barbie dream houses is amazing
SST11Pers1237047 this is so good i cant belive you did that!! that is so awesome you are so talented
AriaBoat5 you ate
jss8 so preppy slay girly
SST11Pers2836413 fantastic
cleo.wps 🤗🤗😃😀😄😁😆☺️😊
PiperStrong7 A must
PiperStrong7 It cooks
winslows AMAZING!
belles1 That’s very cool .
winslows That
MarleySutton So preppy
Purple_panda597 That is soooooooooo cool
tsche66 COOL
Marllli Thats so coolllllll
Miatri It is soo cool in just need to buy it so bad
LeXi9North Slaaayyyy
juneg Wow soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool
annikad Wow soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool
juneg So cool love it
ethancoop it is good
ZoeharrisPurple love this
Eva.5G so coquette
Esmebon DdghgFhgdghfsdvjkl
opajkovski13 Slay giving barbie vibs
mrick63 that is so cool good job slay queen
33freishtate that is so cool you need to teach me how to do that
Elisebeth.com So many barbis would love to live there
SST11Pers2822617 I Leveyo
WBPSLauraT So good
achow33 omg cute
RonaldoTruck4 Looks like a baribe dream house
jcran132 B hcgcjcgdmnf djie. Vi n vomm m. Jf fn&. Imvm. O nvm gc. Kjdvmnk. Ops,ssoJsc nc! N 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
jcran132 It’s really so nice. I wonder who made it. It’s really cool like some Legos. I like guess guess what? My first brother like dolls and he was watching Barbie show last night.
jcran132 Vhgndgdjcgidtbdjgdu5hso do n
jcran132 Uefhhhdmhdnhhunfu8jhjgudnj idbdm j7cjck. Dihfmghfmr jdif. Idn. M dj) jdjfjmv kmv. D. Fj rel. jdnvgdbd wd. Sm n.
jcran132 So nice that’s so cool. I wish I would do that. Have you spend millions of time or sometimes it? When did you do it? So cool? I really like it. It’s really stylish.
manic7 this is slaying barbie
AmeliaTigg I want that dream house as my own house
sci0011 so baddie
SST11Pers4336524 WoW💞❤️🥰
canarylake6 Glow up!
canarylake6 Glow up!!
canarylake6 Glow up!
abc12417 i love it
CrystelMagic babies dream house slay
zaracoolBlue Sooo cool pinkkkk
SST11Pers2156922 can I have it for free
SST11Pers2156922 how much does it cost
JoebidenSmart love it so wonderful
ameliae1 Omg its a barbie dream house do you have a real barbie dream house
AcaciaBT3 it looks live a Barbie dream house
SST11Pers3538197 hello my name is nezoko wow!! . your desien is soooooooooo butiful !!!!!!!!! make it 10$$$
SST11Pers2157330 me name is noora Love you
megans you just designed my future and dream house! such a mind reader! :) i love it
zaheens nice
Roroyellow Wow can you make barbie dolls inside that doll house
Swiftieloverred Great i love the barbie movie brovo
SST11Pers3254606 I am no barbie
teddy.tilly13 i could never do that
jcran132 Hdidnduhmdugntj*vtgngcin
ds158084 Slay Slay SLAYYY!!!!!!!!
15liamd im a boy
SST11Pers3428939 GREAT AND btw i love the barbie house 😃
Evalina9puppy really cool
adasm So cute
alexlit I like it so much.
CharlotteMoylan So accurate
GEORGIAR6SC so proud of you my friend this is such a amazing talent to have
LuluBelle14 So cute you have to make weird Barbies dreamhous with the dog
elizabeth4r so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!
SST11Pers2175139 this is my dream house I know I'm new heloo
emacdonald .emlliy
hughgra Its. Cool
Lewis24 does it have to be 50 buks???
lilyGreen13 how did you make that
marleysk that is so cool
juneg I. Love it
juneg I l
annikad I love it
IzzyWhich12 yes lol
SST11Pers2774121 cute❤️❤️💕👍🏻
BellaFripp Sorry a little pricy but we can still chat right
BellaFripp Hey my name is bellafripp maybe we can talk about our creations. I do animals and forest and positive afrmation to light up your day toda.
violethop That’s so cool it’s a little bit cheaper
RobbieB6MB - - mmmmmnmnknjkhgfhnm,m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m,mmnmnbnbnbnbnbnbnbvbvbvbvbvbvbcvcvcvcvcvcvcvcvxcxxcxcxcx
SST11Pers2793764 its soooooooooo good i like it i was dreaming about thish barbie house
SST11Pers1940095 Can you give me?
aseeska Slayyyyyy
Sienna4 Cute but abit expensive
Sienna4 Cutr
SST11Pers1925131 wow I like it you ate it girl
Marcus P2 cool
SST11Pers433176 ewww how do you like barbie
SST11Pers2182017 Almehe 6/c
stonea WOW
dakostew sorry cant afford it but i will like love it by the way
Lydia.G_j.r I havenkt watched it yet :(
SST11Pers1351169 I like your a Lvoe your a Lvoe .
SST11Pers1351169 like you
Sfro24 amazing
eliza.morrison it so good but i don't have that much money
zankoa So good!!
ds153589 It is soo pink and beautiful and l like your name
tempeststrong LOL TBH THATS RLY GOOD
Briannakanga AMAZING HOW who ever you are you amazinly talented incredible
Ariakoala outstanding!
aaliyah586 i wanna b uy it but maybe
Gregory10 slay
Pinklotus Slay girly pop
RAW0005 hi slay qeens
RubyET12 love it!
edeno1 I love it
ameliepi this is so big and awsome i would love to buy it but itis too expensive
chocolatekittykat IMA BARBIE GURL!!!!!!!! IN A BARBIE WORLD!!!!! :)
ds158084 I've always wanted to bey that can you please Edit it and I will follow you!!!!
NinaN6BN OMG soooo cringe I love it
HarpsyPencil in a barbiue worldd
HarpsyPencil I'm a Barbie girl
malimp malimp
malimp erdg
charlotte218 hi pudding i like pudding
Brooke57 i love the bee
violetmar Violet
Jade.Bancroft GRIL!!!!!! SLAY QUEEN
gym2012 amazing
comet28 Its to expenxise
AlpacaAddinsall that is so good
MarilynV Im a barbie girl!
salha m4 تكلمو عربي
azariah.stainton This is the shi*est design ive ever seen
avocados_in_mexico1 also love the design
owen21d Is it chocolat pudding?
stellaly SLAY!!!!!!!! Its giving Barbie vibes
stellaly SLAY!!!!!! Omg its giving big Barbie vibes.
LouLouFH I have one it looks the same
mshemeld Do a 100 like then free
Sienna2608 it is so good
JamesPMC Wow
cappybaralily there is so much detail
cappybaralily BARBIE VIBES
yogid its really good btw
curtricia7 love it!
allyviae That is so cool
ChaMarc so good
Qeenelly Please put the price down
sgash3 Sophie. Ashton
kgdav2 Kayla
clai.wagn amazing! i love your choices of shades of pink
Catgirl2014 next time make barbie dolls
Catgirl2014 love it so much
ivyvg How did you do that?
ivyvg Wow
ayezamehreenk wow so beautiful
AmeliaP1 omg i love it so preppyyyyyyyyy
waj0002s Yeah so preppyyyyyyy
millao' Slay
ciennak888 im a barbie girl in a barbie
briannach I like it
briannach I like it
Conner D my house now
LucyNN Barbie dream house slay
SST11Pers1925136 مملل
hudsonry bru what is that you can't build idot!!
87920 Wow
leobae wow
mia.walker8 creative, i love it!!!
PennyY2K Slay bestie
siennayv ilovebarbieandyourdesign
LunaSock4 really nice
MANSI2024 Wow!
sgash3 M
harperel that looks like a real narbie doll house amazing job there 👏
annabellaclauson1 looks like the exact same as the real house
KittykatkatBlue that is an exact replacut of the actual one
R Schontzler i lik it soooooooo!
bethanyda WoW that looks exactly like the barbie dream house!
Elizabetta24 Barbie vibes girl
wynters hat
MaggieHPuppy Cute and pink
emily.fe so cute
emily.fe so cute
comet2 I think u really love barbies
Pudding. I don't
kylen.matley556 dsfahjbgscvjdsh
ilaria.feeney245 wow this cute
_paigema3h Amazing! Keep up the good work 😀
SST11Pers1217649 I like is so so so mche
180039 Cool
SunnySquirrel Im getting a lot of barbie vibes from this
SST11Pers1651425 thats pretty
Meh.2597 Its nearly like the real ones identical twin! How long does it take to build this?
zara10 I love the Barbie house because it is three stories you can go up to the first one you can go up to the second one. It is just amazing.
Catgirl2014 It looks like the one from roblox game dreamland story
fishbasket911 AMAZING i…love it it’s very cool how did you make that it’s BLOWING MY MIND!
ForamRoom12 Cool i kind of like it sooooo ya
jacintag cute!
MiaGar so cool
athenatho omg its so good :D
zaramah omg so cute
Ziya24 I love it by ziya24
stars22 This is niceeee
evah1 I love the movie and my fav part is when ken and barbie are arguing!
evah1 I am in love with this!
clemxximp BARBIE
SethuniJa That it really good girly.Slay
ken0019 So slay you go girl
lar0013 slay girly pop
JEREMY177 ghhoqllgy7lnl.'yi6f7yossulmllghurki
EvelynBol Thats so cool
Olinka04 no megusta barbie pero esta cool
NAZATRON can I have your number ?
Seerattheprincess can u lower the price pls??
violetmar Violet
TheQueen2015 it looks fantastic!
Ava Maria2 this is so cool
zacharyfi HOW
kobie6215 Slay
rozie2013 slay
eng0001s So cool
rrajv0 Love it
JojoloRed Barbie giiirl
Elamentla I love it, how did you make such an amazing ceration
miamord Now
jlemonzz Wow
ric0016 it looks so amazing
sshar231 It’s good
beatrice18 in writing you are so sassy
SST11Pers453347 بس لو تعد لين عليه شويه
JojoDaisy omg lovee
fishLake732 I want follow you
DUY THONG MINH very beautiful
piper-rosea cool! love the pink!
SST11Pers3772134 @pudding.[-]
tvincent123 It is so cute!
SST11Pers491737 WOW this cool
kylen.matley556 wow i wish i could make this
reikog @reikog[-]
reikog nice\
geet2022 just to good!!
quynhvid Wow
maxc1 Can i have some tokens pls my username is maxc1
AllisonHat3 omg look
hannalinne Hola
SST11Pers1978021 I like t
parker.davey i love barbie!
CHARLICoolll Do you go to seps
mimimimimimimimi i love it & lol
SST11Pers491737 colllllllllllllllll
atso31 Tydfgdjdthtjydddtjghdtjjhftfhyjjyhffjyjfyjhfyuiyuifyufkfykugykj
Zarak23 Cute and cool
audreywil Preppy
amaliahlinne This makes me whant to be Barbie
amaliahlinne Thats amazing I love it
SST11Pers3813917 حلوة
gazellequick5 OMGGGGGGGGGGG
Ccclara265013 omg i love it is soo cute but lower the price and iwill buy it
chloenoble1 Ive wached the new movie really good
chloenoble1 Soooo amazing
240034 Wow ,
briannalinne 💓💓💓💓💓💓
azaleam NICE
Matirialgirl1 slay queeen
SmartBoss1 slay what you want slay
SST11Pers553712 cooooooooooooooooool
SST11Pers2164882 اميره
Manuki Barbieeee
angelama SO GOOD!!
audreywil Slay but cood u put it cheaper please
SST11Pers354723 SO CUTE
SST11Pers1170606 Soo nice, looks like u put a lot of effort on it
GemmaH3032 im a barbie girl in a barbie world
kirtleystemh luv it!❤️
SST11Pers2174601 its SOOOO cool omg ur so talented
otterfancy81 slayyyy
josephinestemh Very pink!:)
TF5 Wow
creh his nicname is pudding
creh his niname is pudin
creh wait is your real name brice ? theres a kid at the school i go to and his nickname is brice
Ash413 Nic
faith1234567 Fromfath
faith1234567 📲💿🏞️🌠🎆🌃☎️❤️ i. Love
Samaira4LG awww
vampire3.6 That is so cool make me it please
dogbasket7 So cool
AGNES_VAU0004 barbie is only pink >:(
Elliemimimungkotn I love everyone!
Elliemimimungkotn Pudding!i love that dream house!can i be bffs with you?😍
SST11Pers2012671 love your great work
MaiNg That is amazing
timothy09 Nice
Coty23 What in the world
geet2022 omg
RoseRed75 So Cuteeeee
ivyirwin AMAZING!
SST11Pers1978089 wow it is cool do more
MagicReid I love it
ivyirwin It looks AMAZING!
SST11Pers1978057 wowwwww amaizing
6jh sofia v Hi barbie
Zamihappy Omg amazing
nmurphy123 literally a replica
SST11Pers662049 so cool
alexandraje This is nostalgic for me lol
SST11Pers2989829 coooooooooool
sylvietaylor1 bought it
6gq romy c Sooorrr preppyy
SST11Pers4220090 ooooooo wow
SST11Pers2120338 That's awesome
elizabethda Because it is awsome
elizabethda Can i borrow it for something
SST11Pers2012209 كيف سيويتيه
ellani Make it four dollars
addisondavey ADORABLE!!!
Ellie4LG how did u make it its outstanding
yt221027 GOOD
spend33 super. i love the brick ef fect
florencek_olor i have one but yours is so cool
florencek_olor how did you make that it is so cool
rosa.nixon So fancy and luxerios
cavallarog Is the best it looks like a Barbie house so cute like queen?
220179 Lovely
220179 Beatiful
220179 Cute
SST11Pers2164463 اع مو حلو
SST11Pers2096106 if you make it 1 tocken I will buy it
_.Addy._ (Im Alicia Gu) This would have been first on the comp, but I had other stuff so I cancelled it sorry I will give you some tokens!
Pudding. Ah okay!
cgregory yasss barbie my childhood!!
SST11Pers2184771 Its soo cool!
SST11Pers1939263 too much money
koyad Nice !
290361 Speechless
AIS-Sofia Awsomme
Aureliakyi123 So good
Felicityleaf its the best!!!PLEASE MAKE IT FREE!!!!!!!!WAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
michellenx Nice
michellenx Very cute
omiigh From doors
hobri84 that is so cool!
KulpiChloe nice
Felicityleaf what the heck you are talented,good job!
Mackenzie G cool!!
Matildagardiner Love it
olivia nakaji wow thats so cool how did yu make it
SST11Pers3796620 slayyyyyyy
3milyGreat Sooooo cuteeeeee 🥰🥰🥰
KulpiAda you should add Barbie at the top or B
roshanaz OMG it is just like barbie’s real dreamhouse!
210026m omg
Thebaddies3 Hi i like your house
sky123Cool you are nice and good at making stuff
Avawolfe2610 nobody else has made this
sofia100 2 hours WHAT ! ! ! thats so long also I really love your house you made
tsaij32 Wow
savannah.blood619 That looks really good
fionag1 barbe get out my house now yar
gracemcco I love this so much!
a6krystal *from
a6krystal So chic and looks like the house feom the movie
a6krystal Love it
albsFancy but you need to add the pink barbie car
haliaht jriiiiiijjnnmmnkdmeom,xm,ox,qxlkc,poedlopdlpoekdmikmeikjcmijenmcjnfuchuhrhucjejovncmkjlcdcw
4Ja'Sayvion Im so slay
4Ja'Sayvion I'm his little cousin
4Ja'Sayvion It's so cute
violetpo Sss good that i went crazy and buyed it
violetpo Not like im not crazy already
lydiaj1 🌸I love the new barbie movie🌸
Sashwin R You like sanji
Mahi S slay the day queen
Aud S .
Pink pigLog Is good
acholpizza10 r u a barbie fan
acholpizza10 how did u make that
Aaizah4life Please like this comment
Tracychip23 love the dreem house! Amazing detales like the pers the dress even the shower. Maby next time add a barbie
poppinator howdidumakeit?
poppinator this is slayqueen
georgiaca So pretty but way to expensive
verano So cute
eloisecr hoowwwwww?
eloisecr cool!
DoryDown23 I need it soooooooo bad I wish I live in it
rosalied Girls night is every night
emilysmi barbie,barbie,barbi
Elyssa R Where is the pool?
mayas2024 Soooooo preppy
Jayla the Queen of Gods You did a really good job with this project
Maker bro
Maker lol
Maker too much money
avamor so cool
francesc6 amazing i love it lol
Evelynberry This is good
viviennel How u make so Ame
mariam.hSmart how did you make that
Gracem1234 Omg so so cute
Gracem1234 I could live there
QueenAzumi HI BARBIE!
Maryam3Cstudent I like it
jadep1 yeah wow
ameliabie hi my name is amelia and your barbie dreamhouse look so cool and also what is you name andi am in year 5
cavallarog So cute girl, sleep queen
rasberryFast wow can you try to make the pool
Laura.edmunds WOW great job!!
Summah.P OMG how did you make that
chloe34w so cool
popstar10 wow!!!! thats amazing, I have watched the barbie movie and my favourite part is barbie and ken are rollerskating. how did yo make it
lianab4 wow great effort :)
chloe34w so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so fech
chloe34w so fech
chloe34w i love it so much
salimam nice house girl
ivyirwin OMG are you holding a candy cane
krystinem sooo cute!!!!!!!
DoryDown23 make a barbie to go w it
DoryDown23 OMG I want to buy it sooooo bad ,but I don t have enough tokens
SST11Pers2841492 wow this is so good i loved it
bayleewe Omg this is gorgeous!!!!
sofiari Wow
abigailbra did u just die because it is so cute
Qeenelly What the hell why did you do that
addisonbo geifhrgtfyrgvjgfhdijfurjgfodigkfduhoibfduklgufjghbiofhgfuiohfjhugfhiohgvhijufkhfghdkjhujguhhufjhphgpoghy7hvgg36454585743
addisonbo bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Felicity24 Love the birbie dreamhouse
millao' You buy stuff and use it!!!!
SST11Pers2762316 how did u do this charecter
loginnnnnnnnnn slayyyy
sky123Cool you are nice and kind for saying that
allybr Free pls luv barbie
rosalied Hey barbie, hey ken!
Spencerk12 Im a barbie girl in a barbie world life is plastic its fantastic
SST11Pers2872025 أعجبني المنزل
frog225 love it
imogeno1 That is the most awsome thing ever!!
CoraB$ How did u make that its AWESOME
abigailbra triple yeah it looks like u spent 3 YEARS on it + like 8543 5 764576 more years on it, THATS HOW GOOD IT IS!!!♡♡♡
daisytt Yeah its so slay ✨
AdrienneF2032 Yeah! HOW???
SST11Pers1906747 wowwwwwww your avatar isssssssssssss soooooooooooooooooooooo cuteeeeee
eshal.b Thisis soo nice it is expensive tho
Hope00 Omg so pretty ur soo creative
s295m Amazing
imars65 so cool but in my opinion not yours it might be babyish
abigailbra But i do agree with u guys because u dont want to make the world a worse place!
abigailbra but we don't want to put down ideas! if she doesn't like then she doesn't like it. just dont say it to the owner. then u will be fine!
rifaw Yep :)
Crimzen_Elf2028 Dont spread hate i bet you couldnt make anything betterif you tried practicing every single day for 1000 years becasue hers is that good. Always spread love!!!!!!!!
jadep1 that is mean babyish
chloewilk HECK NO THAT IS NOT BABYISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE DELUSIONAL!!!!!!!!!!
Pudding. It was for a compatition lol
freddieja good job
mollyda Wow! That must've been challenging, great job!!
lucyf I love it
charlierei Wow i really like this movie you did pretty well
piperau Slayyyyyyy
Wednesday16Black Hey that look really good im going to try and make one and btw i dont have to make it if u dont want me to
Wednesday16Black I not trying to copy it
Pudding. U can just dont copy this one! :)
frog225 love it
Millie2012 Thats so good l love i
KaydenBall nice
720043390 Gumygmmjygmmyghjmghjmgumjgjumgmhjgmhhgmhygmhgfmghfmhyfmhgfmhgfgmh
6614 its slay
aseeska True it is slaying
Miawalterspowerg Nice i love it💖
KaylaCake I love it
marcusp12 Shut up
MahiClever Wow!!!! That's very good!
s155m I watched it it was so good my fav was the part that they were at the construction and they were like no i dont have any…
DoryDown23 that's my fav part tooo
Emeethequeen OMG!!!!!!! So good,how did you make that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
violetpo That amazing!
rubyparke Wowww!!!!!!!
SST11Pers2762316 it is so cuuuuute i love it
Malorylol Oh my gosh i want to live there you did an amizing job great job nice design
Rosey10000 Omg im am bying this ofc like it is so pretty
The_very_cooldude sorry ment gurly POP
Shadow_sword6543456 @KitTy_KaT23[-]
KitTy_KaT23 Hi! It’s cute
Th3_NeW_Catg0dess K=Death! (^^)
AllenHat2 ADUv dvjv
.Ramen. im a barbie girl in a barbie world >:D
Maker Life in plastic, it's fantastic
Alicia Gu love it?
Alicia Gu *!!!!!
Tovina Perfect
Penolopex Oomg
Aylynn aaaahhh
Queen21 Really sugar
Pudding. Shoosh it twas’ for a challenge and i am a challenge defeater
BlackpinkAndMidzy4Eva This is not my fav but my face when the barbie president went *beep* cus it was swear word lol
Casanovavallejovl966 Yea you are right
Pudding. Yea that was funny
ClarebearUwu1576 I love this omg would love follow you ❤️
Finalfantacyxv That looks soooooo goood
Annabelle Tsen oh wow so cool! definetly giving barbie vibes
megans um obvi! :) we love your designs!
ds158084 I agree
islacurn so so so so so so so cooooooooooooooollll
aphmau2023 i can make u barbei dolls right now
addisonbo so so so so
lar0013 Totally
TheQueenOfUnderworld I'm a barbie girl , in a barbie world , life in plastic, it’s fantastic !!
Catgirl2014 im a barbie girl
aphmau2023 come on BarBei lets go party
reem123Boat and toucth me anywhere imaginashion life is your creation
SST11Pers5242565 you can brush my hair
heba1985 hii u seem rly cool i would love to meet u more and maybe we can be friends ?
XxxPeppermintxxX its so detailed :o
XxxPeppermintxxX np! 🫃🫄
Pudding. Thanks!
Pudding. @Alicia Gu[-]