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Angela LiSara is a princess of dragons! She has a dragon named Ambershine! Watch the movie! it is scary and cool cccccccccccccccccccoooool!!!!,!!,!,!!,
Angela Librown bottom red....... and black on top! Thats right!It's Sara in the movie light of dragons!
hi my name is RyanMagicI should be able to get the car in the morning or afternoon and or after I get out of work 6 if you want to come by tomorrow to check it out and let me get it for a 2 time frame for of the 23rd 2nd and 2 2 2 it for me and I will be there to help out on Saturday and I can make sure I I have the time to do so when I come to the house on Saturday and will be there to take care of it if you want me for it or if you need anything from my us or just want us in the house or we need a 8.30am for our trip and I can make it to your office on Friday or Sunday morning and we will be there if we need a place to stay at home to celebrate with the kids or not to go to church with us all day so I will have to
chemgummy dream hair colour is pastle yellow, bc its a shiny colour and its the coloru of the sun, I think ill could do white too but i would look like a grandma xd i also like white bc its the colour of swans,moons and lots of others!
TigerMagic40i like the end of my hair to be baby pink but i dont like pink i like purple
nhjbgThanks again and I hope to see everyone again and again I apologise I didn't know you had mentioned to you before the holidays are coming to see me again I apologise I didn't know you had mentioned to you before the holidays are coming to see me again I apologise I didn't get to you by tomorrow to get it to work ok and you had mentioned to you before the holidays are coming
Theres this person called Summer Baker she says i copyied ur design for fun then u would prob to to her designs and see something innaproprirate which is not good shes litteraly making inappropiriate stuff which is not food for kids (u will find it when u scroll down) I was so disgusted.
Sophieclever123Amazing! Looks like real Jasmine keep up the good work!
sanabelwow it is cool it is you well go to the mall now yes it is like that i like this desin it is you relly good i like youe shose and your eyse you dont like me becouse the color for my eyes brown i think i need to do desin like this bat do you now i am 9 yers old bye
Jude@nutella@VikingPrincessJazmine[-] this is amazing you are so pretty and i have a question for you... How old are you? I guess 15 right?
@Gamer wolf@Hi jaz,I aboslotsly love your dizines .I joind makers empier last year and discoverd your account.I LOVE looking at your dizines.
From Gamer wolf xoxo