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Nerds Original Sour Candies

over 2 years ago

Hey Strawberriis!! I made this ALL myself #soproud!! Go into view mode to see details:) OMG TYSM for 1st in the world its been my dream!!!

Gwen._.Gurl Nicee!!
Thai15 “Saw it”
Thai15 Wowwww
baileyneve. thanksssss!
MoonRain good job
baileyneve. TY!! XD
Luckyduckcat Wow. Love it.
Luckyduckcat Youre welcome!
baileyneve. thx @Luckyduckcat!!
jamesKGT so cool were did you get the skills
baileyneve. tysm!! practice! :)
DA JELLYBEAN saw it :)
baileyneve. nice:)
hiron77 yum
Londyn2022 im hungry now T-T
Mytamoomi Wow @baileyneve.[-] That is sooooooooo cool ! It makes me want to eat it
Mytamoomi Cool thx
baileyneve. oh tysm!!! you can buy it if u like, price will come down soon:)
Duri Akram Saw it
Dr8epicI23 Saw it
Dr8epicI23 Omg i didnt know youd reply to me omg omg omg! Can you follow me im a fan
baileyneve. GJ :D
Emma 999 666 ‘’ saw it’’
baileyneve. GJ! :D
DRAGONCool4U WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
baileyneve. TYSMMMMM!!!
Oomzi Cool
123Elani321 esta nerd
bellebeuty Saw it!
Itz_Mira saw it ;)
roxxsaurus saw it
Molly roseGreat I love it
baileyneve. tysm!!
Aussie star Saw it
baileyneve. ♡♡♡ nice ♡
JaylaPurple I L O V E nerds
Ariblob I love nerds <3
Kitty gigi ' Saw it'
Kitty gigi thx!!
baileyneve. gr8 job:)
MochisGirl saw it
NormitaClever That's incredible! I love it ;D
baileyneve. TY Normita!!
kyma SAW IT
baileyneve. nice ;)
BIG BOI 7 saw it
baileyneve. ;) ;)
Watch Your Finger I love them
Watch Your Finger Delicious
GreaTest of all times I love nerds
baileyneve. yass:)
amberpir I love nerds
baileyneve. mmm :)
- blackbird - Congratulations 2nd Hot Page!
baileyneve. tysm!! i worked hard for it- it took like an hour! :D
DylPickle66 “Saw it”
baileyneve. nice :)
ChocoDonut227 Saw it
MeGreen8 Saw it. Also DAT DETAIL DOE
baileyneve. what??
MochisGirl I- I love it!!!!!! :D sooooo goood p!!
baileyneve. ty ty!!!
MochisGirl Congrats 3rd on hot page!!!!!
ChocoDonut227 This is what we call an overnight sensation!!
baileyneve. aw thx ~it is isnt it! (≧▽≦)
Ella11Aquarius my brother loves these l.o.l
baileyneve. :) (≧▽≦)
flower art girl nerds cool
baileyneve. yass! Thx Flower:)
qwertyuiop123 and l love that design because its for my lovley candy.(THX)
baileyneve. thx I guess... :)
qwertyuiop123 "saw it"
baileyneve. ;) ;)
Reem.aukh :-):-):-)^_^^_^^_^
baileyneve. cool:):)
Reem.aukh I tried them 1 time too (i was little and j traveld with my dad to uae)
baileyneve. aww tysm!! I've only tried them once in my life (from a friend) cos I'm not allowed sugar:( :D
Melz Thats noice
flvffcinna saw it!! :)<3
PixieBee Saw it
PixieBee Wow that’s amazing. I prefer strawberry or grape, how bout you?
PixieBee Oh ok
baileyneve. aw I dont eat them but probably either:)
PixieBee *straawberry over grape
Mytamoomi Cool
tree_queen ''Saw it''
Queen Of The Underworld This is AMAZING, I love this!! Keep up the good work!! <333333
baileyneve. aww tysm!!!
Fairy Light_1.0 Oh I’m really sorry I thought this is for me!
Fairy Light_1.0 Omg tysm!! You’re amazing long tome no see
baileyneve. TYSM Queen!!!
Fairy Light_1.0 Woooow nice!
Fairy Light_1.0 No props ^^
baileyneve. Thx :)
GreaTest of all times U are welcome
baileyneve. thx!!
baileyneve. @ChocoDonut227[-] @Maddie.b[-] @.yvie.[-] @Queen Of The Underworld[-] @PixieBee[-] @dwtn_2e[-] [c][9E58A2]@- b
.yvie. Yummmmm there my fav candy
.yvie. Ye ellie
baileyneve. cool! :)
Ellie Richey 37 Mine to 100%
baileyneve. oh well lucky u!! im not allowed candy- like ever! i just thought of it cos i got to taste one at a caravan park once with a friend:)