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almost 5 years ago

Best friend!

PotatoeLord123 That is so musch like me and my BFF
bubblesSmart Great design
bubblesSmart I really want a BFF
rozy girl my best frindes it's you!!!!!! @Epicminigames[-]
hermione granger Can i be your firend
Epicminigames Yeah sure
Snoozysloth Hi, i thought you may want to know that someone else is selling this for a lower price!
Snoozysloth Ok, bye
Epicminigames Yeah ok.bai i have to go
Snoozysloth I know! Its a shame
Epicminigames Ik some people do that.:/.it’s kinda annoying
ISAIL @[-]
jenai the queen of everthing pirode poo I love this this could be me and my bff destiny im in the brown hair she in the blue hair
606105 i live you
AFRA27 insta : 63.qr follow me please ??
TamaniCool Lveo
hakerLog how you do this design
Epicminigames Watch it on the bootom left on the picture
meero0ona111 very nice And I did follow you
Maker Epicminigames i will be your bff
RoxyCup IT's so cute
Steph100 @Darkwolf246[-] hey
Steph100 She my bff
Epicminigames What??.
ninjakingfighter you are so patan khan hindi
٩٩٩١١١ Im love you all do for me folo
@Shop can you follow me
tfytdtryt ok but folow me ok
raghadGrey3 Ilike it
@Shop can you follow me
Noor salah. Love it
Epicminigames Thank u
A_229 follow me i follow you
black24 follow me
Taytaysocute I Followed you
Starry Nightt* @Epicminigames[-]
Starry Nightt* @Epicminigames[-] @Epicminigames[-] @[-] Epicminigames
candy cake wowowowowowowwoowowoowwoww
like to have fun Wow cute
Queen Sofia Angel Just followed you to
khadijaSmart7 i love it
unicornana Follow me plz
sdgfscbxcv قيقااااا
katieLiTruck I follow you
AleydaRed Holas
Tacowolfgirl890 Its true
Tacowolfgirl890 The dog i more cuter than cats
JoudyStrong I follow you
JoudyStrong thanks
Epicminigames Me too.
salma Mubrak S.F(:*& 5A ﻲﺘﻧا هﻮﻨﻣ ﻦﻴﻟﻮﻘﺗ ﻦﻜﻤﻣ ﻮﻜﻓﺮﻋا ﺎﻣ ﻦﻣ ﻮﺘﻧا ﻦﻠﺻا
salma Mubrak S.F(:*& 5A ﻲﺘﻧا ﻮﻨﻣ
EmilieOMG PLZ follow me and i will follow you PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ
unicornana Follow me plz
Epicminigames Yess.I love anime.^^
Epicminigames Srry i don’t play that game.>3
Epicminigames I just watch it not play the game.
Epicminigames Is it the 7 deadly Sins?Srry idk.
Epicminigames No.:030
saja 05052343 so cute i like it
88vae1 goooooooooooooooood
LLLone wlof Me tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooplz follow me i will follow u u know the one on the left looks igsactly like me lets be bffs
raghadGrey3 I like at
ga.xxi84 follow my plz plz plz
icefox @A_229[-]
AlexiaFancy6 I follow you
Ruby12345fun I follow you
black24 follow me and see my disign
AlexiaFancy6 Sure i can
Siti What’s up a lesson today
Siti Hi
568424 wow :]
nm.fb7 can you follow me and see my last post
turk102018 هلا
Angellove27 Ahe just buyt it so its not hers its someone else so ya its not hers
Epicminigames Ikr...
Latifaali123Jet Hm , Its her design she made it , She worked so hard on this!
OkokBoat Exacly she did not buy it she design it.Your the one that bout it.
Epicminigames Who do u think i bout it from?No ONE
Epicminigames U stuppid 10 yr old kid.
Epicminigames Fyi I create it with my own two hands.
SPIKE902310 Soooo cute
AntYT I like fairy tail a anime
Epicminigames Yeah me too.:)
Hamood1711 wonderful:)
Siti Hi give me a password like you okay
Lionlover :) You are so going to win!
Epicminigames I hope.0u0
unicornana Plz follow me and i will follow u and like my design
zolzlia i can't
nm.fb7 can you follow me and see my last post
zolzlia i follow you
SA_00202020 10352105 please join the quizizz
MikaylaBlue Wow this is Amazing. Can i learn
JijiBook hfror
♥Shahd♥ it is amazing
Epicminigames Hi....
Black add oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
AbdLog I love it and you
jeje joy waw
Mina.M Dis is SOO cute
AllisonFun So cool
AllisonFun Sooooooooo cooooooooooooool
thelittecutegirl It reminds me of my best friend ¿-¿
Epicminigames Awe that cute.
Black Belt Are you in my class
Epicminigames Idk who u r
meera@a هههههه
The - king - of - this - game ^-^ تكذب كذابه.... امزح
Epicminigames Thank u.<3
The - king - of - this - game ^-^ ً؟؟؟؟؟ ايش في
MikaylaBlue I love it . And i brought it
meera@a ه
Pro-Gamer Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lamess great
noor2009 you are so good
Violetta_Queen This is so cute
Ali Yt Aww this is so cute! :D
satan gurl Thats very cute.
mimi@2009 wow sooo coool i hope you win because yours is better than mine alot
Anime_fan37 wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
.?? WOW!
moslehm nice job
nm.fb7 can you follow me please
salma Mubrak S.F(:*& 5A رﺪﻗا ﺎﻣ ﻒﺳا ﻻ
AbdLog I loveit and you
BIG BOSGreen yes???
AbdLog can I tell you thmthig
AbdLog can I tok whith you
AbdLog can I tok whith you
AbdLog can I tok whith you
AbdLog can you follow me
AbdLog no prplem
Epicminigames Awe thank u
ssxGrey 😩😩❤😭😭
wonderMagic Woooow