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about 3 years ago

ok um the duck looks constapated now that I look at it but um-


This took me 40 minutes! :D Hope you like it >w<

Edit: 3RD ON HOT PG WITHIN 24 HOURS??? danggg amen to rilakkuma u-u

• ʜ ᴏ ɴ ᴇ ʏ ᴄ ᴏ ᴍ ʙ • What about Korilakkuma T^T
kuromii i like this so here is cat (^•w•^)
UKNOWNFun Ish coot
Emma_12love Ermm.. cool ig? ._.
malikaaa y[0y[
Mohamed.M Your the best
Declan mic678 Amazing
Cupcakesprinkles it is so Cute
PandaGirl99 Ca-ute
war kids kc wooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
Bro2Lake @ImWatchingYou[-]
Ahmed Amr egtget
queenbee_TvT so coot :D
cote girl awwwww cute >w
Ifoundray Itsss soooo cuteee
stitchMagic awwwwwww
ImWatchingYou hehe ty u-u
PRINGLES4LIFE @elf[-] ch
lotolove 123 cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute
.Mia. Awww Lol
Rjennyg Adorableeeeeeee
leen the cutey aww nice it cute case you made it u-u
ImWatchingYou .////. t-ty
.Abby. Its soo cute <3
-.M a r s h m a l l o w.- THAT ISH SHOO COOTTT
ImWatchingYou Ikrrr >w