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almost 4 years ago

This design needs to be heard from many people

PotatoeLord123 I belive you but......
RainathePotati How do you know all this?
MakersEmpireTea I guess I just tried to connect the dots.. I think it all makes sense
The great princess nyny @cute prinsess[-] @PrincessMary[-]
MakersEmpireTea Then youd basically be making a biography about me..?? I dont understand you AT ALL. Im not making designs about peoples entire LIVES and you can check yourself
XXPeachyBellaXXCali Idrc ypur dissing someone and you shall be dissed, What if i shared your life?!
MakersEmpireTea Look this isnt time for roleplaying, this is serious.
Sarah Jenny is her mom
Potato queenEmo Yo. U r on to something. MakersEmpireTea! U r great
Potato queenEmo Yw u go
MakersEmpireTea Thanks :)
Juxster @P.HA.N.T.O.M[-]
-london- Wow.......why
PotatoeLord123 @Ahnmaros[-]
PotatoeLord123 @Hamad8E[-]
PotatoeLord123 Hav u red this
Hamad8E Hi..........
PotatoeLord123 @elf child that likes cookies 2[-]
PotatoeLord123 @Mermaid14[-]
PotatoeLord123 @•Mango Cubes•[-]
Mr.sloth Omg we all knew the she was @OJennyO[-] her brain is a peanut
FroggysShop♡ how do people even trust her anymore?!
Mr.sloth Lol lol great brains think alike even tho one brain is small and its mine teehee
Juxster Those are literaly the exact words going through my head when I saw this design. Lol
princesskezzi5 @christindahbadie[-]
Sarah . . . w h y c o u l d j e n n y d o t h a t . . . i l l c h e c k h e r d e s i g n s a n d h e r ( f a k e b r o t h e r s )
Sarah @xXdepressionXx[-]
Sarah @Djsolo[-]
Sarah @XXPeachybellaXXCali[-]
Sarah @P.HA.N.T.O.M[-]
Sarah @-london-[-]
Juxster @Potato queenEmo[-]
Juxster @DaftKitty[-]
Juxster @Sarah[-]
Juxster @TVToud56[-]
Juxster @EmilyClever3[-]
Juxster @Mr.sloth[-]
DaftKitty ill look into this.
Mr.sloth Draft kitty huh i said this but no one belived me and about her not posting i dont think she can a hacker got her banned for some time it was the hacker that hacked me
Useless... :o i am just a bystander i dont know who's side im on
Mr.sloth Im on the bystanders side
Mr.sloth Wait whats happening
MakersEmpireTea @Issythepotato[-] PLS @[-] EVERYONE YOU KNOW PPL NEED TO SEE THIS
Mr.sloth What the heck is happening
¥Damian¥ @Useless...[-]
Useless... Why did u @ me damian
¥Damian¥ @0Jenny0[-] @lazypotatoUwU[-] @Beau_Tye[-]
Mr.sloth Finally you found i got hated because of this nope no one listens to me