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castle made of sand

over 4 years ago

Sadie the nature girl Soooooooooooooooooooooo cooooooolllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MiaTheDarkFairy Keep it up i like your designs :)
Jonas blue Hey,is very good
speedPurpleChair how did you do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
loma fairy wow musta ben hard
teague.timothy.j awesome and sick as
Sarah phung It nice
Kiki -Roo wow.........,,
Kaveesha OMG
Sally.Min1 야 좀 팔아라
mitchellyo Lit dude
Cale Mate ture MLG skill
Mia- Cherry Pleaseeeeeeeeeee make it available to buy
T cooperation Reply: Search up “vivian”
Sally.Min1 ㅗㅍㅎㄹ포혀ㅑ
A5G8 Awsome!!!
A5G8 What an amazing castle!
Samantha.sia So awesome
CN170007 HAX
WilliamHU Cooool
Halll Hi
Halll Hi
Mia j Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu aaaarrreee sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo talanted
WilliamHU Coooool
fast.Chris Nice castle
fast.Chris You give me a idea to build a castle
Rabbit_Film1802 Follow me at... Rabbit_Film1802
Galen-train So close to 3000 likes
Kittyche No its 3005
CruzFI It is 3002 bro
Abu p OMG
Halll Mate just amazing
Misty-Cat Wow i am very impressed
120053 Cool
Zombiekiller1017 Looks “ok”
MilesC Cool
Mia j You have2115
Mia j HEY you are sooooo talented you should be a artist in your life its just soooooo cool that you could be the world's famous artist and you could rule the world
Mia j Hey that's amazing it's soooooo cool I just love it
Crazykangalady Cooooooooooool etc etc
BaconHair Wow!
jsmith1 Thats not sand but u r making me jeoulus
Amber-rain Nice job
Lazstrike Cooool
Mangoanna Omg
YaiC Perfect
Rishon-night Look at me
Azhar.haider Nicely done!
Nickyjam79 I simply love it
Dr.Greeneklee u r so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Super star Kirby Ur*hhfgiucregunjfegnhfjrinfhfeunjgfreand *46cdd&deewhetededwetuhwdfdeddfh7and rfojibevjiobovinfieiubfeuiheffuuihffuhihfhuhieufgifhrefuvihhefivhrfuhvifhvb)i
Jonah.2017 To cool for Makers Empire!
Rosie.green Cool as
Shadow Creater i simply love it !!
Shadow Creater i simply love it !!
Rhys whoa check it @NobleWizard[-]
Kookybooku IT IS ASOME
oakleytajtrease cool castle but not made of sand
RainbowPlays I simply love IT!!
Unicorn lolipops OMG soooooooo cool
duck.Oliver I love you
king-Abbey I like it lots
11aiden I hate sant
11aiden I want to get it i want it now
JackMart thats not sand
Natalia G Omg
Oscar2018 Thats coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
DopeDood Awesome
its me hi
Zacbev lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Zacbev You are are a really player
plane.Nnnn Can iby it
mps140193 dx fghuiop[]
Candice01 How did u make dis! XD
Desertkoala I think i would have given up making it
Galen-train Im speechless Njofd.kjnhgyfgyfftghktdbjfgnfwtyegnikppklkgbgsdggrwhniomhr$gjtwsfddgffi8hg)bryjgdrjuifgjvfgiyhbrtjjhrvhrddvgcajkkkhhbfefhgrdfvxsxvgrsgjki’bcdfbgfdfghbvcvnkiyjouyrgmoopiredsaqsvbjytfhkolmgedgddwfjiolkhyjbyinfesxvjmlpkhgfdcbbxsarnggjjgb
Callum Evans Yea cool
MarcusStawski AWESOM
MarcusStawski Awesome
VivianTh you must have put alot of effort into that
(STAFF)(ADMIN) Hey Rhys, I wanted to ask if you are a staff member at ME or something like that, plz reply
Zacbev you are really good
lukcra nice
sschreiber Thats Amasing i cant spell sry BUT OMG WELL DONE
Mp.green Sdfgh
Remi.maunder Love it
Laverdure Awesome job I love your castle!
Cruz.train Like my’s ples
DanielWrong Can you make ot for sale?
blue.Rosey I love that AWSOME!!! castle of yours RHYS bybybybybyby
A.K That is really good
Galen-train I love it make some more like it please please pretty please so I can like them all
YaiC Cool design but its not sand(╹◡╹)
Max.D-orange11 Cool and ausome
Rose-rain Sweet and facinating
Will boe Make it for sale but for 40 coins
tomst Cool
tomst Hey
JacksonBandt Make it free
王家轩 为什么不买
三1刘桓宾 please give it to me
Aaizah Great ....u will earn a great profit ...oh no i mean tokens
Aaizah I honestly could never make it
Aaizah Cooool
4dPenBoy Sweet!
Leanon Yo cool
Crazykangalady NEEEEEEEEEED
green.Norman Hdyiyygutdnyzvjdh
green.Norman Hithzsnc
Room19Will Good work rhys
Oscar room 18 awesome
DerpFish Cool
Sebastian.F.S.Cook This is awesome as
GoblinJontempelli Nice gary
Lauren Claire Gary????
Dulein Really Cool
27mireyaa This is soooooooo cool! How did you make it? What material did you use?
book.Andrew Asssssasss
JacksonBandt make it free
Christopher.gee1 Soooooooooooooooooooooooo bood
JaydenR33 Why does this have so many views. It’s like the most viewed creation ever
Isaac.cookie9 I want to buy it.
Bobby Mc Jeff Agreed
grey-Harriet Its hogwarts!
Will robot Nice work
Pvt.woods F. You
Cre8tivity @Rhys[-] you’re such a great designer!
Adeleoc Why does people lovethis so much
Adeleoc Why does people lovethis so much
Adeleoc Why does people lovethis so much
car.p-ca WoW
Andrew.truck @Rhys[-] You are so cool
ilia19 can you put that for sale please
ilia19 ttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttssssssssssssss aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssoooooooommmmeeeeeee
iOSFusion640 @iosfusion640[-]
Summer S. Omgggggg that looks awesome
blue.Marc Make it free
SophieWatermelonDog haha you didnt get 1000 likes you got 2000 congragulations :D
Rocklan.bird looks great and I would still not be able to make it.
张颂雅 That is a hard work!!!
张颂雅 How do you do it? Can you teach me how?
张颂雅 That's fantastic!
Charlie.austin Its made of stone. -DERP-
LayanH20 I like it
Rocklan.bird do it now.
Rocklan.bird can you tell me when you will sell it to me.
jackattack^2 i dont see what is so amazing about this creation
HappySickHarper I hit the 2460 like Mark!!!!!!!!
ELLA REETHS.purple Its rlly cool
Marianthi10 That’s amazing
李业锦 好厉害
Willow tree I thought sand was yellow but it is still pretty cool
Oran Looks amazing well done
grey-artiom.pir am? .......................................................................................................foo foo foo foo
Highsupershifty Is that sand Colour it yellow
iOSFusion640 2400th Like!!!!!
Crazy_KID @kittyqueen326[-]
iOSFusion640 @iOSFusion640[-]
Harpo427 @Harpo427[-]
LaineMae OMG
jonnytwcs put it for sale
Galen-train This is like da best thing in the world LOL
Cutie pie v Your castle looks awsome
Tboak I cant believe this is top in the world!
Hipih I Like iOSfusion640 He is like Your Sidekick
Hipih GG This Is... SICKNESS
Andy Dandy Wow this is an old degsign...
Sma Here in top there great stuff in hot theres good stuff in new......we dont look a new
BaconHair Wow! Amazing work, I love your art style!
Jamal 2 Nice job
Crazykangalady Hey giys its CrazyKangaLady AJ here. I just wanted to comment on this amazing design and follow a few people whose designs i like!
Patrickw2009 Castle!!!!
XxDeVoNxX That looks super cool
Ciara.brighton.bird So good !!!
rio.f Can you put this on sail please?
rio.f Please love,Love by Rio.f
Selenagomez Nice!! Please like min too. I liked yours.
Funnehcake Cool?
Chooki_Cookie Awesome!
SananSyed18 Whoooooooaaaahhh so cool! :3
Crazy_KID Amazing
Distracting Declan Wow this is amazing you are a professional and I love your artwork omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg this is amazing
bondl Awesome, I liked it so please like the Star Scout
ShadleyJR This is epicccccc
finottii I LOVE it. Can you add the rest of the walls
Tariana9 You are cool
IsabelleO So cool!!!
Doodie Awesome! :D
blue.Charliebts How did you do it?
Michael Zeritis This is so cool!!!
car-Callum What is that descasful disine
Tboak How
blue.蔡智立 nice!
DEREK.D Oh man that 1000 like goal seems so toatally unnreachable.
s014454 Epic its awsome i love it
maddien This is cool!
Aubri Cespedes-blue That caslle is so sick its better then Boba fets stuff and disines
Lukemasseffect Like if you think the creator did an excellent job
Shep_KTM_27 Nice design boi i sapose it is good but of cause mine is jet and like so bye
Arthur.Zeritis This is the best creation in makers empire by far. Like if u agree
Tboak How is this top in the world 2 years in a row
tonyluke OMG! (Shocked Face) EPIC Design!
tonyluke OMG! (Shocked Face) EPIC Design!
James Bowden This is still top world wow, i checked last year and it was top
Nell o I love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Picklew EPIC!!!!
Jenny Donut I hope they make a back part! That would be awesome.
COOIKE SWIRL C i ment love it
COOIKE SWIRL C that is so cool and ilo0ve it
Crazy_KID Woah!
Pixel -PC Good castle
26lawton I love it
Picclerick coooool
26poston That's soooo cool!
Damian-king You mean sand castle.DOY!
SuperAddi16 I wonder how long that took to make
Joyce Li Actually maybe not that long. But still a long time
Joyce Li Probably an hour.
Izzy fluff Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gfgfgdggfgf Awesome
Roshanrajesh Extremely Impressive
Pasteingpeter289 Super awesome!!
Evangelinelwildy17 LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Egga Put it on sale pleasssssssssssssssssse
TomKim100 You are a real champian in makers empire!
TomKim Amazing
Alois I like it a lot
Alois Nice!
yiğit uysal yes cool!
901045727 Teroble
Sophie.r Its really good.
Tariana9 How did you make this???!?? I go to your school
ScoutReconTroy Make it 50 tokens
Rhysgc Hey guys its me Rhys my account would not let me in so sorry guys
Dylan S :)
Galen-train How did you do it :)
jsdaf HI
Tariana Do you go to BCPS ?
27tomt I love every thing about this castle.
27tomt I agree that this is amazing but you should let everybody use it for free because I have -32 tokens.
27tomt Oops.
27tomt This is 100% amazing!wow!Good job!
Egga Cool put it on sale pleaseeeeeeeeeeeees
fish-Mitch Thats so cool
star-Hi! Credit to you
tree.Lucas Thats awsome dude!!!
Ugfjghmjgjj Dooooooooooopeeeeerrrrrrr
Samuel abood I think this is great
Egga Teach me how to do that
akeat Look up "1000 likes" in the gallery and like 10 copies will come up
Da Etan Awesome! You put a lot of work into this!
Water brooklyn Amazing have you made any more?
Lil fish Awesome your cool
the power of the super man please give 1000 likes
Riverviewman.lion That is ccool man
mailesnow814 Wow, just wow. So cool! Have you printed it yet?
mmystirioiusmajones COPPOPPPPP;EYER
mmystirioiusmajones COPPOPPPPP;EYER
Abby7 OMG
angush1 Well you reached 1000 likes
Olympic gymnast Thats really cool
fraserm Cool
Water brooklyn Cool dud
Room13mikayla I love this design #
kwallis nice job
AudreyC Does anyone here know how to follow someone?
Jasmine.shoe Cooooooool
Jasmine.shoe Cooooooood
Audrey-night Looks real
MitchellZ good job
MitchellZ Nice!
w1100931 Perfect
MaxwellJ Why is this not for sale
Gob This is jerry🐯i know he will get Lost in the sea of comment so pls like
Nicholas Niu That's AWSOME!!!
Lazary Love it can i live here lol
TNT-Lachlan This is plain awsome
JarrodL Rhys its me Jarrod is it the real you?
Liv101 Can you make it free so that I can have a copy
Angelo33 AMAZING!
Josh05 It looks so cool
Foxy lady Such a cool building
Maker Wowweeee
Maker Sick
Gigillpot Lol love the flag and so want to live in this thing
QasLachie How did you make this?
Ariel Spry cool
Djuan8 Sick
Ib popstar from pop and rock Omg thats like amazing
SuperDasher Oh my 😎😎😎
SuperDasher Oh my 😎😎😎
Ruby-queen P.s dont know why I called myself Ruby queen because im a tom boy but im 15 years old
Ruby-queen Sweet dude keep up the good work
Phantom swag Woah can i buy it?
Phantom swag Woah can i buy it?
Phantom swag Woah can i buy it?
Phantom swag Woah can i buy it?
Macdonalds Sick, man
Room8Shu yes, i am a sick man
Soho Y ur printed thing hav no flag
jasb yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyyoyoyoyooyoyoyoyoyooyoyooyoyo
jasb sssssuuuuuuuupppppppp
*marlie* hwt
*marlie* hwt
jasb hi awesome castle bro
*marlie* hwt
jasb hi awesome castle bro
*marlie* hwt
General Horse recked
Aidenlecastre Good job man
#EinSt€/n rules Great job
Elijah-dark Rhys is the creator of makers empire
RobertCade Awesome dude
Chan Cheuk Lam Awsome design
leddy sweet
XxlittlekatxX That is awesome
Rhysgc Nice!!
Elijah-dark AWESOME
Serena21 Awsome!!
MS-Tornado Cool :)
Mimi-boat Wow that looks amazing Rhys
Brady lampton Das a lot of likes
Aaliyah007 Nice
Bianca5626 Like my design ill like yours
Luke is awesome Sick dude!!!!!!!!!!!
PokemonGirl Wait...Rhys,u said this castle is made out of sand...so why is it not yellow?But anyway,cool and great design!U ROCK!
Yai That is not made out of sand :D
Master mark Well done
Cuddly.bunny16 caption awesome lol
Paige7 that is wicked
Brooke7 Great job
Kaedyn grey the awesome F a b o u l o u s
FaBiAn Can i live here please
NicholasAN Nice
plkcjy22 Good
bird.W1301091 一一一一一
Flash123 Ohibjibb
RoxyGem Wow so awsome
Голод Гулаг
bwood sick
Rollo Safiy Wow, cool
Abstar Great design
Lcard Cool
Yai It is not made out of sand lol :0
Mr. Hovis Thats awesome
Master luke 100 comments
Master luke Hello
Master luke Are you there
Master luke Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Master luke Ugfgghggfgggfgfggfgfgggggfgfgggfh
Master luke Hhgdy
Master luke Get it
Master makers Ufghgygggggfggghfuggggjgghugrih
Wecta Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Master luke Oh sick
Master luke Perfect
Master luke Jnchegfgrgjdhndhfhyyuuhghghhgggfggggggggggggggggggggggghghjjrjjsjvjhkjhjwjfkjhshejhfhsukejfhngjgiijfhghhggggvggtyhgfguhfdttyyyyhuuiiiiiik
Master luke Perfect
Hannah13 Can i live there? I will share it with you? Please??!!
Hannah13 THIS IS AMAZING,COOL,AWSOME....!!!!!!!!!
Hannah13 I am just going to shout it out...
Hannah13 Icant stop thinking about it.
Hannah13 This was on the app whennyou go into app store it shows this!!!!??? That is a really cool castle. I like the flag.
Master luke Perfect
Soho Thats not sand
Naveenb Cool
Naveenb Cool
dkleinig doubt that
Liam H that looks good well done
Liam H thats so good ell done
EYTHAN .....
Yai You meen well done
dkleinig thats average
OliverSO How did u make thAaaaat?
The Modern Gamer Very cool
Kara That is so awsome
FaBiAn Omg
amy1 wow
coolcat Epic castle
nanda so amazing rhys yre an expert
Robocop050 This is preaty good its as good as my monster house
Emily.wotton3 OMG super cool
dakotar this think is beautiful
Harmony2 Jice going
Pearson Ninjas Im gonna buy a 3d printer wen im older
Pearson Ninjas Man so cool
Yebpna wowwowowowowowowowowowowowow
ABUHAR Beautiful !
armann سلام چطوري؟
elina_disabled_case I made the exact same thing
Jalen OMG that is awesome how do u do it
amalia Really I don't think you put much effort in to this castle
Crazy_KID Agree with you amalia
Reno Omg it is awesome
iPutBeaksOnThings WHAT NO WAY
iPutBeaksOnThings what is it
Captain Awesome Can i live here?????
Room8Shu jk its just a prank bro
Room8Shu ooooooo ROASTED
General Horse recked
mrand577 ...
mrand577 What is your reel name
Yai His name is ryan i think
ayate41 Great
lockdown Cool
plane-Seth Good job
taylorswift1 Really awsome
Maker Ruby-
Ruby-queen Taylor swift1 are you the number one Taylor swift fan?because im the number one Taylor swift fan I fainted at her concert
lily lettoof OMGGGGGGGG that is incredible
domenico.petrulla Coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
Turbo I might 3d print this
jchav4 I honastly could never maker something as AMAZING as that Amazing asome cool
Harmony2 Bahahahahahahahaha
Harmony2 Sorry but i am Caitlynn and your avitar looks cute
Christina Nice
netpenthe hoooooray
srama8 I could never do anything like that!
khait sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
khait oh sick
PheasantHandler I am reminded of Kryal Castle